
Message from the President December.2023

Get information! Act! Make it a Reality!

We have only one month left in 2023. Almost three quarters have passed since the Meitec Group started its new Mid-Term Management Plan (2023-2025) in April 2023. While the COVID-19 situation is settling in our living environment, we are still in a situation where we cannot afford to neglect viral infection control, including the early seasonal wave of influenza. I would like you to act and not let down your guard to protect yourself and your loved ones.

In the winter issue of our internal newsletter SYORYU, we have a special feature called "Get information! Act! Make it a reality — We will continue to do it." We asked outside experts about the latest technology trends in the Get information section of the feature and examined the reality of “thinking and acting” which enables all employees to respond to customer requests in Act. In the Make it a reality section, we interviewed our customers and asked about their vision and the roles of and their expectations for our engineers in the achievement of their goals. I would like you to read SYORYU so that it will become an important part of your own awareness.

In the internal newsletter, we also conducted a questionnaire of our employees on their use of information, and what I found interesting in the answers was that employees of all ages were becoming more sensitive to information. I was especially impressed by the fact that the veteran group was actively paying attention to what was going on in the world. Although the information we obtained does not necessarily lead to immediate results, it will serve as basic materials for the formulation of hypotheses and the expansion of our imagination. Therefore, it is important to continue to get information even if it doesn't lead to practical work.

Finally, I want our engineers to become able to sense and adapt to technological trends from a global perspective going forward. If we do not take an interest in the global market, where development competition is intense, and we do not think and act quickly, we will lose our jobs. Rather than waiting for someone else's instructions, we must be forward thinking and come up with ideas and proposals to exceed customer expectations. We should be aware of this and be determined to continue to improve ourselves. And we should try to improve by learning from our colleagues. This culture of independence and mutual support is our greatest strength.

Let's exceed the expectations of customers and society by continuing to implement the cycle of getting information, acting and making it a reality.

December, 2023